
If you are looking at discovering the fascination of freefall without having any previous experience, the tandem skydive is a great choice for you. It is designed to allow you to experience freefall skydiving without an intensive course.
After 15 minutes of instruction, you will be ready to do a parachute jump with your tandem instructor. You will experience terminal velocity at around 135 mph (60 meters per second) on your first jump for up to a minute! This can only be achieved from 15,000 feet (5km). Tandem skydiving is our most popular option for first time jumpers. Tandem skydiving is a fast and easy way to experience the wonderful world of skydiving with only minimal training required.

 10,000ft (3500m): 149€ per person
 15,000ft (5000m): 209€ per person

Group Prices from 3 to 7 people available upon request. 

Location: Alvor

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